Get Ready to Embark on an Epic Adventure: A Review of X8: No Credit Book 1

“In the realm of literature where protagonists and antagonists clash, “X8: No Credit” stands out as a captivating story, written by the talented author Mark T. Sneed. This novel sets the stage for an extraordinary saga, focusing on the journey of X, a highly educated assistant in a laboratory, as he navigates a world filled with individuals possessing superhuman abilities. X strives to establish his identity and gain recognition for his exceptional intelligence. I admire X’s brilliance and how everyone underestimates him. Anyone who supports the underdog will find this tale appealing.”[2][3].

Geared towards young readers from the ages of 8 to 18, “X8: No Credit” promises an engaging exploration of self-discovery and the pursuit of excellence [3]. This review delves into the intricate tapestry of themes and characters that define this compelling story, inviting readers to embark on a journey through the eyes of an unlikely hero [2].

Book Formats and Availability:

    • Kindle Edition: Priced at $4.99 [3]
    • Paperback: Available for $9.99, 157 pages
    • Primarily available on Amazon [1]

Personal Takeaway

In “X8: No Credit,” the narrative intricately weaves themes of identity, privilege, and societal power dynamics, presenting a profound social commentary within a superhero science fiction setting [1]. The protagonist’s struggle to find his place in a world dominated by superhumans mirrors the real-world challenges of underrepresentation and the quest for recognition [1]. This theme is further explored through the contrasting dynamics of ‘we’ versus ‘they,’ portraying a societal division where the ‘we’ group, depicted as having lower social status, battles against the entitled ‘they’ group, highlighting ongoing social inequalities [8].

  • Theme of Power Dynamics: The book delves into how societal structures privilege certain groups over others, using the superhuman abilities as a metaphor for real-world power imbalances [1].
  • Struggle for Identity and Recognition: The protagonist’s journey is not just about gaining powers but is deeply tied to seeking acknowledgment and acceptance in a society that values superhuman abilities over human efforts [1].
  • Social Commentary on Inequality: Through the use of pronouns ‘we’ and ‘they,’ the book reflects on the broader societal issues of entitlement and the lack of unity [8].

The setting of a familiar yet extraordinary world where individuals aspire to greatness despite their ordinary capabilities underscores the universal desire for fairness and equal opportunities [1].

Author Mark T. Sneed: A Creative Force

Mark T. Sneed, a name that resonates with creativity and depth in the literary world of science fiction, has a rich background that significantly shapes his narratives. Born in Kansas City, Missouri, Sneed’s journey from the South to academic excellence at the University of California at Berkeley molds his unique storytelling perspective [3][5]. His academic path didn’t end there; he further honed his skills with a Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing from the University of Missouri, Kansas City, followed by a Master’s Degree in English from the University of Kansas [5].

  • Awards and Recognition: Sneed’s literary prowess was acknowledged when he won the prestigious 2020 Cygnus Award for Science Fiction, highlighting his standout contribution to the genre [3][10].
  • Professional Milestones: Sneed made a significant career shift in 2019, transitioning from being a teacher to becoming a full-time author. Throughout his career, he has been committed to broadening the scope of African American narratives in the genre of science fiction. [2][5]

Sneed’s passion not only enriches his writing but also seeks to inspire and foster a greater representation of African American authors in the literary community [2]. His works, characterized by deep social commentary and complex characters, offer a fresh perspective in science fiction, a genre continually evolving with its authors.

Critical Reception and Reader Responses

“X8: No Credit” has garnered a diverse spectrum of reviews, reflecting a broad array of reader and critic opinions. Here’s a breakdown of the critical reception and reader responses:

  • Goodreads and Amazon Ratings:
    • Goodreads: The book holds a strong average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars [5].
  • Critical Reviews:
    • Praise: Critics have lauded the novel for its innovative approach to the dystopian genre and its well-crafted protagonist [12].
    • Criticism: However, some have pointed out issues with the book’s pacing and complex plot [12].
  • Global Reach and Sequel Anticipation:
    • The book’s translation into 10 languages highlights its international appeal [6].

This mixed reception illustrates the challenges and triumphs of creating a novel that aims to redefine genre boundaries and engage a global audience.


Through the lens of “X8: No Credit,” Mark T. Sneed crafts a narrative that not only entertains but provokes thought on identity, social dynamics, and the quest for recognition in a world that values superhuman over human. The book skillfully intertwines elements of science fiction with profound social commentary, reflected in the journey of its protagonist, X, an overeducated assistant whose path mirrors the universal struggle for acknowledgment and belonging. This blend of imaginative storytelling and deep thematic exploration ensures that the tale transcends mere entertainment, embedding itself in the wider conversation about societal inequality and personal growth.

It is evident that “X8: No Credit” makes a significant impact on its genre. It skillfully combines the liveliness of superhuman stories with the raw authenticity of societal criticism. The book serves as a captivating invitation for readers of all ages to contemplate their own roles in the broader narrative of society. Undoubtedly, many individuals would feel compelled to support Clark, even if he finds himself on the opposing side with foreign invaders. For those seeking more profound analyses and recommendations that delve into the complexities of identity and heroism in literature, I encourage you to subscribe for more book recommendations.. Sneed’s work not only promises more captivating narratives in its sequels but also continues to challenge and inspire readers to think beyond the page.


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